Magic Crochet Magazine Free Pdf Download
I'm a San Francisco-based freelance writer and blogger with nearly ten years of writing experience behind me.

Crocheters who want to get inspiration, ideas, and patterns for their work frequently turn to crochet magazines as a terrific resource for such information. If you go online to search for good crochet magazines, you will quickly find that there are a lot of people asking about a magazine called Magic Crochet magazine. This is one of the most popular crochet magazines ever, and yet it's not around today. What happened to Magic Crochet?
What Is Magic Crochet Magazine?
Magic Crochet magazine is a UK-based magazine about crochet. It has articles, patterns, and loads of different crochet information, just like you would expect from any good crochet magazine. It was especially good for crocheters who were focused on thread crochet (as opposed to yarn). It frequently focused on lacy, thread-based crochet designs like doilies and tablecloths.
What many people loved about this crochet magazine was that there was a translation from the European instructions to the North American instructions. (Crochet instructions and yarn weights are slightly different in each of these places, so it is a lot easier to follow patterns if a translation is offered.) Many crochet magazines don't offer such a translation, which is a core reason that Magic Crochet became popular even outside of the UK.
Magic Crochet Up and Disappeared
In 2005, Magic Crochet magazine suddenly just disappeared from the market. People who regularly purchased this crochet magazine off of the shelves found that it just wasn't there anymore, and they weren't given an explanation. They looked up the advertisers who were known for selling subscriptions to Magic Crochet, and they found that the magazine had been quietly removed from the listing. No one really knew what had happened.
At the time, there were many people who had subscriptions to Magic Crochet. After April 2005, their subscriptions just stopped showing up. In order to find out what was going on, many of these people called the magazine distributor. They were told that the magazine was being reformatted and combined with some other magazines (not crochet-based). It took about six months before a new issue was released, and when it was released, it was a thing magazine with few patterns and much more emphasis on sewing than on crochet. That's not what people want from their crochet magazines, so a lot of folks were really disappointed! Ultimately Magic Crochet just disappeared entirely.
Magic Crochet Magazine Today
Even though it's been quite a few years since Magic Crochet exited the market, there are still a lot of people who are interested in this crochet magazine. All around the web, you can still find people discussing it. You can also find people selling back issues of Magic Crochet. People who have entire collections of all of the volumes of the old magazine are considered very lucky crocheters indeed!
Some of the reasons that people today are continuing to buy these old copies of Magic Crochet include:
- This is truly a high-quality crochet magazine. The patterns, the information, and the translations all combine to make this a crochet magazine that stands out from the pack even though new editions haven't been produced since 2005.
- The crochet designs in this magazine are timeless. Because Magic Crochet focused primarily on doilies, tablecloths, and other classic home décor items, it doesn't matter that the patterns are old. In contrast, a magazine that focused primarily on fashions would now be out of date since the trends change so much in that area.
- Granny chic is super trendy! In addition to all of the people who were already interested in crocheting doilies and tablecloths, there is an entirely new generation of folks that have taken up this trend. Granny chic is a popular new style that celebrates doilies and other items that haven't been around the home for decades. These people are highly interested in the vintage designs for those home items that were featured regularly in Magic Crochet magazine.
Other Crochet Magazines
Crochet magazines are definitely a niche industry. Magazines themselves are starting to fade from the market since it's cheaper, more eco-friendly, and easier to get digital magazines instead of paper magazines. Crochet is a small portion of the already niche industry of fiber arts.
As a result, there aren't a lot of crochet magazines on the market today, and there's definitely a gap ever since Magic Crochet magazine disappeared. However, there are a few great crochet magazines that you can get, and although they won't replace Magic Crochet for former subscribers, they do offer a nice alternative.
In the U.S. magazine market, the leading crochet magazines are Crochet!, Crochet Today!, Crochet World, Quick & Easy Crochet, and Interweave Crochet magazine. That last one is published quarterly, and the others are all published every other month. Magic Crochet used to be a monthly magazine; the fact that magazines today aren't published as frequently reflects the need to limit production in the market to keep it affordable to print these magazines and to make sure that they don't have to disappear off of the market as well!
In terms of UK magazines, the best choice is probably Inside Crochet. This is one that North Americans do purchase although it's more popular in the UK and it probably isn't as popular here as Magic Crochet once was. The Art of Crochet is another UK magazine that helps to fill in some of the gap left by the disappearance of Magic Crochet.
Were you a Magic Crochet magazine lover? Share your stories about this crochet magazine in the comments below!
Alan Wright from Middle Georgia on August 13, 2020:
We have plenty of the Magic Crochet Magazines on hand. My mother passed away and she had collected over 12 full sets. Now we want to get them back out for groups or others to use. 12 sets are sorted out and we also have a many other individual issues. we sure are interested in what to do with these as one set is enough for us.
Barbara Eubanks on August 11, 2020:
I also miss this wonderful magazine. It had the diagram but also started each pattern with written instruction. Would love to see it comeback
Josephine Anker on May 25, 2020:
Read More From Feltmagnet
I can sympathize with your loss of this beautiful magazine. I'm a patchwork person as well and used to subscribe to a superb magazine called Magic Patchwork. Which also disappeared virtually overnight, with no explanations. Roughly at the same time. I wonder if these two magazines were published by the same company? I miss those magazines still.
Brenda Lippe on March 30, 2020:
I too am a Magic Crochet magazine lover. Unfortunately I've lost all my magazines in a fire back in 2008 and I cannot find any cheap enough to replace them (I live on a fixed income). I'm actually looking for pineapple doilies or tablecloths.
Rosy Gumbs on March 07, 2020:
Hello everyone am looking for crochet patterns from the 80's and 90's
Darlene Leach on June 27, 2019:
I too have been trying to find a back Magic Crochet book #44. I had it at one time but lost it somehow. I have all of the other copies and would love to retrieve this one. So if there is anyone that can help me i would appreciate it Thank you Darlene Leach.
Sally Jacobs on February 23, 2019:
I love this magazine. I have a lot of them & I made quite of few patterns.. I am struck on one of the tablecloth . April 1993 Rose Garden on row 47. I don't understand the directions. Can someone out there help me? Please!!!!!
Irebel on August 08, 2018:
I too was a Magic crochet (and decorative crochet) user. I always wanted to learn crochet but had no one to teach me. That was until Magic Crochet. I picture tells a thousand words and it is so true. It was too bad I didn't get involved with magic crochet sooner. But I didn't really know about it then. I am still the the only person I know that does crochet. It broke my heart when I couldn't buy them anymore. In the mean time I have bought used ones off of ebay. But nothing was quite as nice as having your brand new magazine and decide which pattern I was going to do next. I haven't done crocheting for years now. Maybe this winter I'll browse my old patterns and start up again. I still don't know why they haven't done reprints of all the old magazine and put them out into the market and call them special editions. Even if you could get them 2 a year would be nice. There's a whole new generation out there probably would love to have this type of crochet magazine.
Jan on July 29, 2016:
I'm looking for a specific pattern which appeared in an issue featuring Christmas doilies. I too, am sad that the magazine stopped publishing.
theMermaiden on June 18, 2016:
Looking for Oval Chrysanthemum runner and placemat patterns from Magic Crochet #23. Can you help me??
Rosalba on March 06, 2016:
I still have lot of this magazine I'm sorry I gave many away I love crochet and have done so many of the patterns ,I enjoy been a crossing guard at a school and crocheting wile at my corner I miss those magazine do
Barbara on February 28, 2016:
I was a subscriber of Magic Crochet and Decorative Crochet. I loved these magazines and have made lots of dollies and tablecloths from them. I still have all my magazines and still crochet from them. It is so easy to follow the diagram pictures.
Jane on September 25, 2015:
I just loved Magic Crochet , sure glad I keep mine they are all from the 80's and 90's . I still use them. Maybe some day they will be back I sure hope so.
Gloria on August 04, 2015:
I just loved Magic Crochet It was relaxing and enjoying working out of those magazines. Any chance they will ever come back?
Carla on July 28, 2015:
Wow! Thanks for that insight on Magic Crochet. I was a subscriber for many years and still have stacks of Magic and Decorative Crochet. I let my subscription laps for a bit and then tried to subscribe again and it was gone. I am so glad I saved my issues from the late 80s to the mid 90s. I too loved them for their simplicity. Til this day, I have a hard time reading a pattern in words and I loved the way Magic & Decorative had the illustrated patterns.
Claire on June 17, 2015:
I also subscribed to Magic Crochet. So many patterns. I loved this magazine. I do have many of the issues, still, they go back to the 1980's. I still go thru them to find my next project
Kristen Howe from Northeast Ohio on June 13, 2015:
Kathryn, this was interesting to know. I never heard of those crochet magazines and sorry to hear that it might've went out of business back then. Voted up!
Clarissa on April 18, 2015:
I loved Magic Crochet & it's companion Decorative Crochet. I can never figure instructions out of books, but the wedges of the piece were so easy to follow w/o words!! So thankful I have the couple years of books that I collected I use them all the time.
Jessica on January 06, 2015:
I didn't realize you couldn't get these anymore. I was so blessed to receive all of my mother-in-laws Magic Crochet magazines so whenever I need a pattern I just go through her books. What an invaluable gift! I am going to take better care of them too!
H4ppyf33t on December 30, 2014:
I absolutely loved that magazine and still have a few of the ones with favorite patterns I have yet to make. Other issues I shared with friends or family because of the unique stitch guide/pattern diagrams. I truly miss this magazine and would subscribe in an instant if they brought it back!
Dotty on November 22, 2014:
I was a subscriber for several years. Wish I had continued until they stopped printing. Maybe they are still being published in the UK. Anyone know? Perhaps there is another one out there that we would like as much?
pudd on August 22, 2014:
enjoyed many years of magic crochet, have one book , august 1989, book #61, which is falling apart . Looking for pattern (citronella). Can anyone send pattern to Would greatly appreciate it. Thanks
Sylvia Ringnalda on May 27, 2014:
Just loved the Magic Crochet magazine wish it was still around it was sooo nice because some patterns showing diagrams & of stitches & rows were easier to follow than the written instructions . Miss this magazine!
werho2254 on April 02, 2014:
I've been wondering what happen to Magic Crochet. I loved it!
Fellow Crocheter on March 01, 2014:
I found a site that offers all of Magic Crochet's Mag's free. Not sure if this is a copyright issue, but wanted to share and let all know. If this is not suppose to happen I am sorry for this post, just wanted to make fellow crocheters aware.
Wilma Meyer on February 06, 2014:
I too have been searching for more of these magazines. It is like sign language for crocheters, because everyone from all around the world can follow the patterns. Also I have many of the larger ones, then they went to regular size. Decorative Crochet seem to take it's place, which was the same thing, but I only have a few of those. I really made many wonderful projects for family and friends. I too wish someone would pick them up again. Internet is ok, but my sister sent for a pattern, and she had to download it, which took 16 sheets of paper, and cost $10.00. I want the booklets. Not everyone likes the internet, for things like these booklets, except to find others who will sell the ones they have to sell.
connie on January 04, 2014:
I loved Magic Crochet magazine. I crocheted my way through a 7 year long divorce with them. My mother loved and used them more than me. If anyone has the issue about "afghans" (1988 or 1989) I think, please, please, please contact me at've moved about 5 time and lost that issue in my last move. It was my favorite.I've been looking for it for 10 years now.
Vickie h on December 15, 2013:
Cant't believe Magic Crochet is no longer sold on magazine stands! I wish I had my old ones. But they got lost in a fire. Had issues back in the 80's.but ,I do have some from the 90's. Still use them today.I show people what I have they can't believe I made it by hand.They think I bought them.
MLW on November 16, 2013:
Janet on November 09, 2013:
Does anyone know of a way to track down a pattern from Magic crochet? I have only the one page from the magazine, don't know what issue it was in. the picture of the doily is on page 49, and the reverse page, 50, has #21, Pebbles by Hiroko Hanai. I'd like to make the doily pictured on pg 49, and would like to find the instructions. Any ideas?
J Jeffords on September 28, 2013:
Greatest magazine there ever was. I have 22 issues of Magic Crochet and there is not an issue I have not use.
CP on September 21, 2013:
The best substitute I've found for Magic Crochet is the Russian magazine Duplet. Might I say it's even better. Big issues and chock full of motifs cover to cover.
Carol on August 10, 2013:
I used this magazine to teach myself to crochet in the 90's. now I have retired and love to make these patterns. I can't follow written Directions. I bought some magazines on eBay but I would love to find new patterns like Magic Crochet
Joyce on August 02, 2013:
I recently came across a 1988 issue of Magic Crochet. there are many beautiful patterns in it that I would like to make, but I don't know how to follow the pattern. I have always had the instructions written out. can anyone direct me in learning to read these patterns?
Rosemary on April 19, 2013:
I love to crochet i would buy every copy i could find. i tried learning in high school, but gave it up because my friends would make fun of me calling me granny. I decided to learn after i got married. the only problem was i am left handed. well my mother-in-law taught me and we would get into it because she would tell me i was going the wrong way, but with all the head aches i learn and it was about a year later. when i am done with my dolily they look the same as a right handed person LOL. It is so relaxing for me i start falling asleep, people ask how so it looks so stressing, not for me. i wish they would bring the magazine back.
Granny on March 29, 2013:
I used to get this in the mail, I loved this magazine it was my favorite crochet magazine. I have not found another that even comes close to this one.
beach_comber_rose on March 24, 2013:
I subscribed to Magic Crochet and also Decorative Crochet magazine. I stopped my subscription before they stopped producing the magazines so I didn't know they were no longer available. Since I retired a year ago I wanted to see if they were still available and found they are not. I have many old copies of both magazines. I'm glad I saved them, although I never throw away any crochet pattern. I wish they were still available.
Pam on March 19, 2013:
I loved the Magic Crochet patterns because the diagrams of the patterns are so much easier to follow. To preserve the patterns that I especially liked, I removed them from the magazines and put them in a 3-ring notebook. Each pattern and its accompanying picture are in a sheet protector. When I want to make that doilie or tablecloth, I remove the pattern, copy it and put the original back in the sheet protector. I like to cross out each row as I complete it and this keeps the original pattern in perfect condition. To the sheet protector, I can add a picture of the completed project in addition to notes on the size of thread, size of hook and length of time to complete the project. And who I gave it to! My notebook is now a 3-inch notebook and it is one of my favorite books to "read". I hope this helps you preserve those patterns that are so difficult to find.
Joy on February 26, 2013:
This is a bummer!! I have maybe a dozen magazines left, and they're getting pretty tattered because I use them all the time. Is there anything out there that is similar (with the stitch illustrations)? I would be very interested in subscribing. I'm recently retired & finally have the time to crochet for as long as I want to.
martha on February 22, 2013:
I like using the magic crochet and have a collection of the older ones it not only gives the instructions but also the visual directions for ladies who does not understand the written directions. found a hard back book published in 1942. had never seen a hard back . it has a lot of the older patterns . love looking at the designs.
irma on January 01, 2013:
i grew up watching my mother and sister crochet to the rithem of magic crochet my sister kind of forced me to learn how to crochet by giving me a hook and some yarn eventually i learned how to crochet and started making basket and my mom would use starch to stiff them and then decorate them with flowers many times she would sell them and it got to the point where it would help put food on the table thanks magic crochet
debra watson on November 19, 2012:
I got hooked on these magazines back in the eighties. My daughter had passed away from cystic fibrosis and crocheting dolies and table cloths took me away from my pain and grieving for a short while. I came to rely on these books for my therapy. Then I got my little sister hooked on them, and unbeknown to me my sister who lived far away was also using these books for therapy. We all get together and see who has which issues and we trade patterns. It is a shame they quit making these magazines, they have been the only magazine I have kept for so many years and will never get rid of them. I wish they would bring them back, my sisters also would pay double the price for a subscription as I would also. We loved how you could learn to look at the picture and read the symbols or abbreviations to a pattern. using thread to make a table cloth is just so grand, and a panio runner so elegant. Please bring back our magazines........ some company out there has to have the power to buy the rights and copy rights to all these patterns and put our books back together again.
Sandi on November 19, 2012:
I've been crocheting since I was a pre-teen. I have a lot of issues of Crochet Magic and have made many, many of the patterns they offered. I sure do miss that magazine. Has anyone found a similar magazine? I do thread crochet and some cotton yarn crochet.
Gwen Struthers on October 30, 2012:
I also loved the magazine and am looking for a tablecloth pattern in Issue May 1996 called fine-art grannies. I made one they are beautiful and I lost my book. My e-mail address ie I would love to make it again.
TN Senior on October 23, 2012:
Debbies-fine-crochet, above, stated that these magazines were in French, but I have all the magazines from in the 1980's until they ceased in 2005 and they are all in English. They were printed by the French company Les Editions, De Saxe S.A. Decorative Crochet, was another one of their magazines that was published, but that one I did not care for as much.
I called the company to find out why I could not renew my subscription and was told it was to costly to publish the magazines for the US. Postage was just getting to expensive for them to keep doing so. I loved that magazine as it had more professional looking designs in it....beautiful patterns. I have crocheted so many patterns from those books, that I could probably not fit everything in my house. I truly miss that magazine. A LOT!
janice nichols on September 22, 2012:
I started getting Magic Crochet in the mail in jan. of 1989. I have every one published until they stoped in 2005. I love them all!!!!!!!!!!!!
Julie De Fusco on September 19, 2012:
I used to have a huge amout of the old issues of Magic Crochet but lost them in a fire. I have been looking high and low for the issue that has the LORD'S PRAYER or just the pattern. If some one has it I would appreciate a copy of just the chart portion. I don't need all the wording. If you could scan it and email it to me I would appreciate it. And will exchange patterns with anyone that would like to have some. My email is Thanks Everyone.
Laura Schultz on September 14, 2012:
really sad to loose such a wonderful library of patterns...miss the magazine...guess I will stop loaning out the ones I have collected over the years
marrinb123 on August 12, 2012:
I subscribed to many crochet and craft magazines that are no longer published Magic Crochet, Crochet Fantasy, McCalls Needlework as well as two Annies Attic magazines. I have not been able to find any of these available for new subscription purposes. While there is a large resource on the web for both purchase and free distribution patterns, it doesn't come close to the 'wait for the mail' subscription magazines that used to fill my mailbox! I miss them all. Fortunately, I have a four drawer filing cabinet to keep all of my old issues and I refer to them frequently. This absence of magazine inspired crochet has forced me to design many of my own patterns just to keep my crochet hook busy.
Terry Devine on June 05, 2012:
Just wanted to say
Terry Devine aka sunnywolfgar...
I wasn't able to edit my post so just gotta put this in this way.
Terry Devine on June 05, 2012:
I've been crocheting 45 years now and I have been buying Magic Crochet n Decorative crochet since the 80's. I do not have the whole collection cause we moved alot military does that to you. But I am almost there 3/4th of the way getting both sets completed , so 1/4 to go. If they was to bring back Magic Crochet and Decorative Crochet I'd sign the subscription right back up in a heart beat !
I miss them coming to my mailbox. When I got time after getting my magazine that day from the mail box , I'd sit in my rocker, got tea and cake or pie or ice cream ready, paper and pen , I would be making notes, what color,what size thread , if I would change the border, or change the center, or just do certain rows, or do the whole thing etc....oh what afternoon that used to be~~~ I always looked forward to the next month magazine.
please bring both magazines back with the charts.
Terry Devine
irishokie on June 04, 2012:
I have almost complete sets of both Magic and Decorative Crochet and would be lost if anything ever happened to them. I will new issues were still available. Can't someone bring them back??
SHIRLEY on May 21, 2012:
Kathi on April 17, 2012:
I have many "Magic Crochet" mags. If someone would please send me a copy of the #14 'Net Stitch Table Cloth' from the Number 13 Magazine I would be totally in your dept. I have it but have used the book so much that the middle pages that this is a part of, is folded over and over, some of the graph is hard to read.
Ramona Torres on April 07, 2012:
I love the Magic crochet magazine. I'm a self taught crocheter and I love the magazine its illustration and the easy follow guide in doing the crocheting.My projects came out perfect. I was a subscriber and I used to get so anxious in getting my next issue. I wanted to see the new patterns. I was never a thread crocheter until I had my first magazine couple of years back, and then began loving it so, I made doilies, tablecloths well just about everything. I was so sadden no I no long received the magazine, but thank God I still have my old ones and I still can do my crochet from them. Wish magic crochet magazine come back. I miss them.
Dixie c on March 24, 2012:
I miss the magazine very much. It was the first thing I looked for when it was time for a new one. I have a few of them but wish I had many more. I would love it if it came back, even as a quarterly.
Bambi on March 22, 2012:
I have volumes of the magazine, I go back to them for inspiration and follow the great patterns. Wish my collection was complete.
Diana M. on March 16, 2012:
I have several magazines and would continue to get them if I could. It was much easier for me to learn the symbols they used then to read the directions for the patterns. I have done at least 30 of their patterns and my whole family has at least one of my doilies. I wish they would bring it back, even if it is copies of older books and patterns. There are so many I don't have I would buy subscription again. Diana
Irene Gierza on March 09, 2012:
I made many things from both magazines and now value each issue that I have. I miss their format more than anything.
Jackie Olmstead on March 09, 2012:
I also miss the magazine . I started collecting them in 1985. If the magazine would come back I would get in in a minute.
Beverly Hauck, NY on February 15, 2012:
I also had subscriptions to both magazines until they started putting the junk in them. I didn't want other crochet stuff, just doily stuff or thread stuff. I didn't mind one or two things. The other thing I didn't like towards the end is that they got half the size as they use to be for the same amount of money. Then it just got harder to find because I would look at them before buying them. At least now I know why I can't find them. I have almost two sets of both of them but Magic Crochet from #37 on and all of Decorative Crochet until the last 2-3 years when I didn't like them. You wonder why I have two sets. My mother passed away 5 years ago and my father and siblings would throw her set out and I thought about selling them on the internet. Now I don't know if it's worth it unless its in 10's or the whole bunch.
Marlys on February 10, 2012:
I also subscribed to Magic Crochet over the years. I still have all the copies I was issued and I still use them today. I am just getting back into crocheting doilies, so these patterns give me unending choices. The newest crochet magazine I receive is called "Crochet World". This magazine gives a more diversified group of patterns. This is fun because it allows you to choose from yarn to 4-ply cotton thread to doilie thread patterns. If Magic Crochet came back on the market, I would subscribe in a minute.
Anna Harned on January 28, 2012:
I miss the Magic Crochet Magazine bring them both back Decorative contact at
Flora R Rivera on December 12, 2011:
Lady in Mass very sad to not find Magic Crochet I write on toPatterson N.Y.Mail came back wrong address. Now I need to know if you are in P.O. Box 1971 Danbury ,Ct. 06813-9848.Because I love Magic Crochet I need new magazine to my collection please tell me that you steal making the magazine steal.My Add, 18 Hartley St, Springfield, Mass. 01104 Thank You
debbies-fine-crochet on November 15, 2011:
Magic Crochet was not published monthly, but every other month. The opposite month was Decorative Crochet. It was not published in the UK either, but by a French company Les Editions, De Saxe S.A. They publish new and some of the same patterns in the following three magazines (in French): 1000 Mailles, Mailles, Crochet Creations as they published in Magic Crochet and Decorative Crochet. The format is the same and the easy-to-read diagrams are the same, using the same symbols as Magic Crochet and Decorative Crochet. Don't be put off that it is in French! The patterns remain easy to follow.
Juanita Rynearson on November 07, 2011:
What I enjoyed about the magazine was the fact that the patterns were illustrated for us visual people. Also there wasn't a lot of other "stuff"in the magazine.
Canary LeBlanc on October 23, 2011:
The newest crochet pattern on is a filet doily.
Take care and GOD bless you, and have a marvelous GOD blessed day.
LAura i spencer on September 27, 2011:
where can i get an issue of magic crochet that had a snowflake picture of tablecloth to crochet on cover anything you can help would sure be appreciated my email is
Anne, AL on September 02, 2011:
I have many of these wonderful magazines! I was one of the folks who had a subscription that stopped showing up. I loved the diagrams, especially. So easy to follow once you knew the symbol for each stitch. I miss the wonderful designs.
Barbara Badder from USA on April 03, 2011:
I am lucky enough to have some of the old copies of Magic Crochet. What made the designs so good was that they used designers from all over the world.
Free online patterns aren't helping the sales of crochet magazines either. I share free patterns myself, so sadly I'm not helping either.
It's a shame so many have gone out of business.
Patty Inglish MS from USA and Asgardia, the First Space Nation on April 03, 2011:
I DID wonder what happened to this publication! I'm going to have a better look at our Half Price Books Stores. Thanks very much for the Hub. Rated up and several others.
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